Making compost is an art on its own. Yet it is one of the most important processes we’re involved in when we’re setting up the garden and the polytunnel. Besides the fact that we need a lot of it, there is also a very satisfactory side in making compost yourself instead of buying it in bags. Watching nature turn degradable material into perfect soil and being able to use this to let other plants and trees grow again is something truly magic.
Like said it is a form of art to us. We’ve been working our way trough our errors in order to get the perfect compost in the fastest way with the least amount of work. The thing that we’ve stumbled upon the most was that the compost didn’t heat up enough. Then again we’ve also had it too hot where the material just burns away. It all has to do with balance, and like with everything in life… this takes practice.
By now we’ve become quite good at it. It might also be that we’ve started making compost in winter with too little green material on hand, colder temperatures outside and not enough water available yet. Nevertheless it is still perfectly doable to make good compost in winter, just harder.